Thursday 7 March 2013


On many occasions I’ve been asked why I climb, what’s the point, why put yourself in so much danger and risk everything just to stand at the top of a route for five minutes before heading on back down.

Sometimes I stop to think if I know the answer I don’t think I do, I guess you could ask the same question to footballer on what’s the point in kicking a piece of leather around a field for 90 minutes and he would probably reply with he doesn’t know..
There have been times when ive been plodding up a large steep snow slope or in a sticky situation half way up a tough route ive thought to myself what the hell am I doing here.. I’m mad, why?? Then I just continue without thinking about it and move on.
There are many amazing moments in the mountains or on a route, the silence, the sound of the crisp frozen ground beneath my crampons, the size and scale and natural beauty of my surroundings compared to little old me and general day to day life, The great sense of freedom I get and the fact all life’s worries and concerns leave my head and the only thing I see is beauty.. There are hundreds of reasons but I guess there all different to each individual.
sometimes I wish to myself that I could let others that haven’t experienced it see through my eyes at the things ive seen, then they may understand the reasons why I climb and visit the mountains, I guess everyone has different views on life and what they want to achieve and I find pushing myself to the limit of my ability to achieve something many think is impossible is what makes me complete.
I guess I also get a good feeling of feeling like I am somebody different, rather than the ordinary everyday person, I like to inspire others with my stories and photos I get from climbs, I like showing people that anything is possible when you can find the courage to step outside your comfort zone and take that extra step.

I have lots of adventures planned this year and hope to push myself and become a better person, I want to inspire and share my passion with others and show them that if they want something and there willing to put the work in, anything is possible….

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Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are
naught without prudence, and that a momentary negliance may destroy the happiness of a lifetime. Do nothing in haste; Look well to each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end