Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Epic weekend..

The trips that are decided last minute always seem to be the results of awesome times, Late Friday it was decided a road trip was much needed, the plan... Liverpool for a quick look around, then drive to North wales for a few days climbing, didn't take long to pack before hitting the road early Saturday morning, the drive to Liverpool wasn't to bad, a few coffee breaks see us arrive in just under 5hrs, after a few hours shopping, spending more than i have and visiting the largest Nandos in the world we decided to hit the road again.. wasn't long before we were greeted by strong winds and rain in Snowdonia, I opted to hit the pub but young Emily had different ideas, wasn't long before we were geared up in our running gear and about to attempt a night run up Snowdon. The run was pretty hard and made allot harder with the strong wind and rain, most of it was spent wondering why...

Sunday see us climb the classic Snakes and ladders in the slate quarries.. even though I had done this before it didn't take any of the excitement away..
With weather not looking to great for Monday we looked at other possible venues.. cheddar, lakes.. Peaks. The peaks seemed the best bet so we set off Sunday evening,after few hours drive we arrived under Stanage edge for a cold night in the car.
Morning arrived, so no better way than a full English breakfast before a days climbing. I had my eye on the classic 7b+ "Deliverance" and wasn't long before i scouted it out, i spent the morning ticking off some of the lower grade routes up to V5, Emily also managed to climb her first boulder problem which was a great achievement considering how nervy she was with the height..

I jumped on Deliverance, didn't take me long to work out the moves to get into position for the dyno, but for some reason i couldn't get my feet to stick, i think its been blamed on my stickies being so worn and old they cant climb shit, after quite a few attempts and lots of lost skin i decided to call it a day.. unfortunately no send..

But not all lost, as i sit here and write now I'm just a psyched.. that much that Ive already packed and decided to head back up in the morning for a few more days climbing, fingers crossed..

Emily battling the chains

"Crozzle Arete" V4 6b onsight

Perfect peak conditions..

Such an amazing problem.. "Pebble Arete" V2 5c

"Delivarence" V8 7b+

Dancing with Shadows...

Onsight of "Pebble face direct" V4 6b

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Another good weekend of climbing on the Jurrasic coast...

Dan on the classic 6a "Stone Mason"

Me on the crux of "Exubarance" 7a

Me on the crux of "Exubarance" 7a

Me on "Thought you had it" 7a
Emily & Frank

Emily on "Know what i mean pal" 6a

Emily on "Know what i mean pal" 6a

Friday, 17 October 2014

Psyche is high...

Psyche seems to be at its all time high of late, with weather not being too bad Ive been making the most of it, the last few weeks have days out have been to Winspit, Ive been getting loads of mileage in gaining back stamina that's been lost over the summer, then working the odd harder line, I also decided to test my composure by  Soloing the 6a route “Tend my Daisy” a little scary but a much better climb without a rope..( Video below ). I tried a tough 7a last week called “Thought you had it”. Such a nice line, it took me some time to work the crux out but now have it, due to a long tiring day I was unable to finish, fingers crossed I will manage the tick this weekend. Lets hope the weather gods are on our side so we can get out again and get some climbing done…

Be aware.. there are monkeys on the loose

Dan on "Hot Beef injection" 6b

Ben on "Hot Beef injection" 6b

Ben on "Hot Beef injection" 6b

Ben on "Gorilla tactics" 6c

Ben on "Gorilla tactics" 6c

Me on "thought you had it" 7a

Moving into the crux on "Thought you had it" 7a

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Dont slip...

Decided to solo "Tend my Daisy" 6a..

Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are
naught without prudence, and that a momentary negliance may destroy the happiness of a lifetime. Do nothing in haste; Look well to each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end